Opinion Management

Massematics polls take the conversation to the next level. Increase viewer engagement and time spent on your mobile and web content by embedding a widget today!

Embedded Widgets API

To start using Massematics, create an account at Massematics.com. Create a poll and start sharing it on your site by placing a <script> tag on your HTML page.

The format of your tag will look something like this:

<script src='//massematics.com/_api/widget/v1/widget.js' type='text/javascript' poll="your-poll-url" async="true"></script>
Simply replace 'your-poll-url' with the URL name of your poll.

Build a crowd around a single question

All your polls are backed by Massematics hosting services which support each question with detailed analytics, rich media contributions, comments and more. Allow your poll to become a major voice for the issues it represents.