About us

Massematics was founded to create an open, transparent and balanced marketplace for public opinion. Curious what the world thinks on any given topic? Ready to participate in discussions? Is it time to stand by your opinion?
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How it works

The process is simple.

  1. Browse and explore, then make your voice count by voting and commenting.
  2. Create questions of your own to discover the world's opinion.
  3. Grow your users and content to become the global voice for your topic!

What's in a question?

Questions are all around us, and they come in all shapes and sizes. At Massematics we believe that a single question can have the power to change the world. Expressing a vote preference is simply your entry into a much larger discussion and opportunity for communication.

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Social Noise

We live in an area of constant information bombardment. While social media has connected our lives in a whole new way, it has also come with its share of noise and spam. Use Massematics as a tool to express yourself with clarity, or alternatively to examine crowds with clarity. We strive to provide the tools to turn abstract opinions and crowd noise into clear, meaningful concepts, driven by data and reported openly to the public.

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What's in an image?

Given the subjective focus of our content, all questions asked at Massematics come with visual imagery. Explore our database of pictures to find issues you care about, and use your own pictures to attract others to your markets.

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